Karrie Gaspard-Hogewood

Karrie Gaspard-Hogewood (her website)

Drew Lopenzina
Professor of Early American Literature and Native American Literature, Old Dominion University

Through an Indian's Looking-Glass: A Cultural Biography of William Apess by Drew Lopenzina

Introduction to Native American Literature by Drew Lopenzina

Red Ink: Native Americans Picking up the Pen in the Colonial Period. by Drew Lopenzina

Chris Fenner
Hymnologist and Digital Archivist, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Chris Fenner is a premiere hymn scholar in the United States, creator and editor of HymnologyArchive.com, and contributor to the Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology, the Sounding Spirit Digital Library, and Hymnary.org. He is editor of The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of Isaac Watts (D&T, 2016), Spurgeon's Own Hymn Book (Christian Focus, 2018), Amazing Love! How Can It Be: Studies on Hymns by Charles Wesley (Resource, 2020), and the forthcoming Hymns & Devotions for Daily Worship (2024). Chris has also proof-edited other hymnal projects such as Sing the Wonders, 3rd ed. (Grace Music, 2021), Sing Unto the Lord (ACNA, 2023), and The Gospel Story Hymnal (Word & Wonder, 2023). 

Andrew L. Whitehead
Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of the Association of Religion Data Archives (
theARDA.com) at the Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture at IUPUI

Substack: https://www.andrewwhitehead.substack.com

Book: American Idolatry - https://www.amazon.com/American-Idolatry-Christian-Nationalism-Threatens/dp/1587435764

Christian nationalism Podcast: https://www.axismundi.us/american-idols/

LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/andrewwhitehead

Regina YC Garcia
Language Artist, English Professor at Pitt Community College, Greenville, NC

The Firetalker’s Daughter, by Regina YC Garcia. Finishing Line Press, Georgetown, Kentucky, 2023.

to purchase:

Barnes & Noble

Finishing Line Press

Recordings of Sacred Harp singings of CORONATION, FLORIDA, RESTORATION & SAINT’S DELIGHT provided by Nathan Rees (University of West Georgia), who would like to make the public aware of the Sacred Harp Museum.

Other recordings of Sacred Harp Singings (United Sacred Harp Convention, 1959, Fyffe, AL) from the Alan Lomax Collection at the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. Courtesy of the Association for Cultural Equity.


Erin Fulton
PhD candidate in musicology, University of Kentucky
Music biographer for the Sounding Spirit research lab at Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
Directs the Big Singing Project for the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History


Sounding Spirit Pilot Library
(if you have trouble clicking through, please type in manually: library.soundingspirit.org)

Checklist of Southern Sacred Music Imprints

most recent publication:

"'The Year of Jubilee Is Come': Metatextual Resonance in Antislavery Hymn Parodies" in sonic Identity at the Margins, ed. Jessie Fillerup and Joanna K. Love (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022): 75-96.

Jesse P. Karlsberg
Director and Editor-in-Chief of the Sounding Spirit Collaborative
Senior Digital Scholarship Strategist at the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
Sacred Harp singer, composer, and teacher
song book editor


Sounding Spirit is the collaborate project on historical sacred music books he directs. The pilot Sounding Spirit Digital Library is available now at library.soundingspirit.org.

Camp Fasola is the all-ages Sacred Harp singing school, where he teaches.
Registration for the Sumer 2023 session opens February 1, 2023
(if you have trouble clicking through, please type in manually: campfasola.org)

Stephen Marini
Elisabeth Luce Moore Professor of Christian Studies
Wellesly College, Wellesly Massachusetts

new book:

Stephen A. Marini, The Cashaway Psalmody: Transatlantic Religion and Music in Colonial Carolina (U Illinois Press, 2020)

older book:

Stephen A. Marini, gen. ed., The Norumbega Harmony: Historic and Contemporary Hymn Tunes and Anthems from the New England Singing School Tradition (Univ Press of Mississippi, 2004). 135 tunes in critical edition with notes and indices.


Stephen A. Marini, singing-master, with Norumbega Harmony, Sweet Seraphic Fire: New England Singing School Music from The Norumbega Harmony (New World Records: Recorded Anthology of American Music, 2005). 28 traditional tunes and 8 new ones composed by members of Norumbega Harmony.

Stephen A. Marini, singing master, with Norumbega Harmony, Shaker Songs: Come to Zion (Hancock Shaker Village, 1993). Highly regarded recording of Shaker songs from beginnings to 20th century, performed in Hancock, Mass., Shaker Meetinghouse. 

For additional information, perform an internet search for "Norumbega Harmony." 

Kay Norton
Professor of Musicology
School of Music and Dance, Arizona State University


Esther Morgan-Ellis and Kay Norton, editors. Oxford Handbook of Community Singing, Oxford University Press, 2024.
(47 chapters on singing and identity, online group singing, singing and national identity, and more).

She is currently at work on a monograph about the pioneer Black gospel singer and businesswoman, Sallie Martin, for University Press of Illinois.

Andrew Stern
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
Program Coordinator for Religious Studies
North Caroline Wesleyan University, Rocky Mountain, NC

David Stowe
Professor of Religious Studies
Michigan State University


No Sympathy for the Devil 

Song of Exile

He is also working on a book about epochal 18th century American tunesmith, William Billings.